Indian and Tribal Health Centers operate within a unique framework of federal, state, and tribal regulations. Here are just a few of the regulations Compliatric can assist IHCs with.
Indian and Tribal Health Centers operate within a unique framework of federal, state, and tribal regulations. Here are just a few of the regulations Compliatric can assist IHCs with.
HIPAA for Indian Health Centers necessitates rigorous protection of patient health information, with added emphasis on cultural sensitivity and respect for tribal confidentiality norms. Compliance includes bespoke privacy practices that can be tailored to the unique needs of indigenous communities.
HRSA for Indian Health Centers focuses on enhancing access to comprehensive healthcare services for Native American and Alaska Native populations, emphasizing quality care, cultural competence, and integrated health services that align with tribal traditions and values.
Part of the Affordable Care Act, the IHCIA aims to ensure that the Indian Health Service (IHS), tribal, and urban Indian health programs are equipped to meet the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native communities, focusing on modernization, disease prevention, and access.
Explore how some of Compliatric’s specialized features marry respect for tribal traditions with the demands of federal and state healthcare regulations.
IHCs are often funded through a combination of sources, including federal (IHS funding), state, and tribal funds, as well as third-party reimbursements. Managing these diverse funding streams requires compliance with a complex set of regulations specific to each funding source.
Regulations and best practices around cultural competency are critically important for IHCs. Our customizable LMS ensures staff can be trained in culturally sensitive care practices that respect the traditions, languages, and health practices of AI/AN communities.
IHCs must manage CHS, which allows for certain services to be contracted from outside providers when the IHS cannot provide them directly. This involves navigating additional regulatory and administrative procedures to ensure compliance and coordination between multiple service providers.
Compliatric helps Indian Health Centers manage the robust regulatory landscape of federal, state, and tribal programs so that they can maintain both funding and operational excellence.
Streamline compliance with Indian Health Service (IHS) and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) standards. Our tools help manage reporting requirements, policy documentation, and operational site visits.
Keep all critical compliance documents, policies, and procedures in one accessible location. Our platform facilitates easy updates and compliance with both federal regulations and tribal law, ensuring seamless operations.
Compliatric offers customized compliance solutions that respect the unique cultural, regulatory, and operational contexts of IHS and TribalHealth Centers, ensuring adherence to IHS standards, HIPAA, and other relevant federal and tribal regulations.
Yes, our Grant Management module simplifies the process of tracking, reporting, and optimizing the use of grants and funding specific to Indian Health Centers, including resources allocated through IHS and other federal agencies.
In cases where IHS facilities are not available or do not meet the specific needs of a tribe, IHS funds can be used to pay for healthcare services provided by non-IHS providers through Contract Health Services (CHS). Features such as Provider Relationship Management, Agreement Management, and Referral Tracking will ease administrative burden in CHS compliance.
Compliatric offers customizable training modules focused on the healthcare needs and cultural competencies required for serving indigenous communities, ensuring staff are well-prepared to provide respectful and effective care.
Compliatric’s risk management and quality improvement features allow IHS and Tribal Health Centers to capture adverse events and near misses and conduct root causes analyses, thereby supporting continuous quality improvement for optimal patient outcomes.
Compliatric enables Indian Health Centers to align their operations with the Indian Health Care Improvement Act by providing comprehensive compliance management tools. This includes support for expanded services and facilities, as outlined by the IHCIA, ensuring they meet federal standards while honoring tribal health priorities.
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Compliatric provides holistic compliance management technology for healthcare organizations. Creating value for our clients through innovation and systematic evolution since 2014, our 20+ customizable modules provide comprehensive regulatory, compliance and accreditation program support, delivering organization-wide operational excellence and risk management in a single, fully integrated, management platform.
Schedule a demo and organize your compliance program on one secure cloud-based platform today!