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Financial Accounting System Requirement

HRSA requires that the health center can track expenditures of the Health Center Program project funds. We currently use an Excel Spreadsheet along with a fiscal system. Is this ok?

Pharmacist Category of Staff

Is a Pharmacist credentialed and privileged as a Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP) or Other Licensed and Certified Practitioner (OLCP)?

Nominal Fees When Multiple Services Are Provided

If the health center chooses to have a nominal fee and there are several categories with different nominal fees, can we charge the nominal fee per category if several services were provided across these different categories on the same day?

Lack of Hospital Agreement

Can you provide any tips on how to secure an agreement? How will this affect our upcoming Virtual Operational Site Visit (VOSV)?

Duplication of Documents

We are having a Virtual Operational Site Visit (VOSV) in a few months. Can you provide any insight regarding what the VOSV review team will want to see?

Virtual OSV Tours

We are having a Virtual Operational Site Visit (VOSV) in a few months. Can you provide any insight regarding what the VOSV review team will want to see?