Are MAs considered OCS
We are in the process of revising our credentialing and privileging process for our clinical staff. Can you please tell us if Medical Assistants are considered Other Clinical Staff?
Is an industry best practice also a HRSA requirement?
Is an industry best practice also a HRSA requirement?
Approval of QI Policies
Which Quality Improvement Policies Require Approval by the Board of Directors?
Managing Patient No-Shows
We are experiencing a significant increase in our patient no-show rates. Do you have any strategies for improvement?
Workforce Shortages
What are some out of the box ideas for hiring staff during workforce shortages?
No Information Blocking Policy
Some health centers are talking about a new law regarding No Information Blocking Rule. What is this?
Clinical Assistants as OCS
Do Clinical Assistants (Non-Licensed Staff) who perform symptom screening have to be credentialed as Other Clinical Support Staff?
Appropriate Review Numbers for Mid-Level Providers
We are looking for information on appropriate review numbers. Is there a standard for the number of reviews an overseeing Physician should perform on a mid-level provider?
Telehealth and Form 5A
We offer a number of services via telehealth. Can you please tell me where we should place these on Form 5A?
Evaluating Sliding Fee
How do we evaluate our sliding fee discount program?