Best Practices for Federal Poverty Guidelines
What are some best practices to make sure that the federal poverty guidelines are updated every year?
Requirements for Basic Life Support
Would Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for healthcare workers be accepted instead of Basic Life Support (BLS)?
QI/QA Meeting – Best Practice or Requirement
Is it a requirement or a best practice for the QI/QA Committee to meet on a quarterly basis and what should be presented?
Sliding Fee Signage
What sliding fee signage is required for the Virtual Tour during the Site Visit?
Assessing UDS and Form 5B for Needs Assessment
Could you please clarify the question asked under Chapter 3 Needs Assessment, Element A?
Do Findings in Chapter 21 result in an FTCA Site Visit?
Do findings in Chapter 21, Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), result in an FTCA Site Visit?
Does HRSA require a CEO succession plan?
Does HRSA require a CEO succession plan?
How are Health Centers Implementing Good Faith Estimates
How are other health centers implementing the Good Faith Estimates process?
How to Manage Findings on an NPDB Query
We are in the process of credentialing and privileging a new physician. When we ran the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) Query, a finding was noted. Do you have any suggestions as to how we should address this?
Service Line Utilization Patterns
Do you have specific examples for service utilization patterns based on Chapter 19 – Board Authority, Element C?