Sliding Fee Signage

What sliding fee signage is required for the Virtual Tour during the Site Visit?

Regardless of whether your health center has an on-site or virtual tour, it is important to have a mechanism in place to advertise the sliding fee discount program. In fact, in review of Chapter 9, Element H-Informing Patients of the Sliding Fee Discounts, the question is asked whether the health center has “mechanisms” for informing patients of the availability of the sliding fee discounts, and how to apply for these discounts. Sliding fee signage is just a mode of delivery/mechanism of how to notify patients. A health center can also utilize social media, websites, patient brochures, or other methods to notify patients of their sliding fee program. An example of sliding fee signage could be: “FQHC offers a sliding fee for all based on family size and income only. Please ask the front desk”. Another example: “We offer a sliding fee discount based on family size and income. Please ask for more information at the nearest registration desk. We will be happy to assist you”.

Regardless of what the signage/verbiage is, it should be considerate of health literacy levels and the preferred language of the patient.

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