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QI Resources

We are in the initial phases of developing our Quality Improvement Program. Can you please tell me what resources are available?

Fitness for Duty

Can you please explain what is required to demonstrate compliance with Fitness for Duty?

HRSA Patient Visit Billing Expectations

There are many different factors that could impact HRSA’s expectations for billing patient visits. Could you help us make sure our billing procedures are in alignment with their guidelines?


We are in the process of revising our Credentialing and Privileging Policy and Procedures. Can you please clarify the difference between Licensed Independent Practitioners (LIPs) and Other Licensed and Certified Practitioners (OLCPs)?

Interim CEO: 1099 or W2?

We currently have an Interim CEO and didn’t know whether the individual can just be a 1099 contractor instead of a W-2 employee because they are not permanent.

Patient Samples for Chapter 8

We are in the process of preparing patient samples for our upcoming Virtual Operational Site Visit (VOSV), can you please tell me what we will need to show for the samples required for “Chapter 8 – Continuity of Care?”

Naming Convention for Documents for OSV

Can you clarify naming conventions for the multiple documents in multiple places for OSV? My understanding was that, though documents are needed in more than one place, they can be named the same.