Guidance Regarding Placement of After-Hours Call During OSV
Can you please tell me where I can find guidance regarding placement of the after-hours call during an Operational Site Visit (OSV)?
Demonstrating Compliance with Verification of Immunization
How can a health center demonstrate compliance with verification of immunization and communicable disease status?
Process for Managing Organization Bank Bags
Can you describe a good process for managing organizational bank bags?
Compliance for Program Monitoring and Data Reporting
What documents demonstrate compliance for Program Monitoring and Data Reporting?
Is Board training required?
Is Board training required to demonstrate compliance with Chapter 19-Board Authority?
Does the CEO have to be a W-2 employee?
We have an Interim CEO. Does that individual have to be a W-2 employee, or can they be contracted as a 1099 contractor?
Is the Health Center Permitted to Grant Temporary Privileges to Clinical Staff?
Is the Health Center permitted to grant temporary privileges to clinical staff?
Which HC staff are required to have BLS training?
Can you please tell me which health center staff are required to have documentation of Basic Life Support (BLS) training?
What is a Successful Process for Managing Grants?
What is a successful process for managing grants?
Define a Successful Month End Process
Can you define a successful month end process?