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Is an NPDB Query required for Non-Clinical Staff?

Is a National Practitioner Data Bank Query (NPDB) Query required for Non-Clinical Staff?

The NPDB is a web-based repository of reports used as a tool to enhance professional review efforts and prevent health care fraud and abuse.  The ultimate goal of the NPDB is to protect the public.  Health centers utilize the response generated by the query to assist with licensing, hiring and credentialing decisions.  The NPDB Query includes adverse action reports, medical malpractice payment reports and judgment and/or conviction reports.

Chapter 5 – Clinical Staffing, of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center Program Compliance Manual requires health centers to run an NPDB Query only on all Clinical Staff.  This includes Licensed Independent Practitioners (LIPs), Other Licensed and Certified Practitioners (OLCPs) and Other Clinical Staff (OCS). 

Although health centers are not required to query the NPDB for Non-Clinical Staff, it is the policy of most health centers to run a background check on all staff, both clinical and non-clinical, upon hire.  Health centers should ensure the process and requirements for hire are clearly outlined in the organization’s Human Resource Policies and Procedures.

Additional information regarding the HRSA requirements and the NPDB can be found at (Chapter 5 – Clinical Staffing) and (National Practitioner Data Bank). 

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