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HRSA Naming Convention for Documents

We have an OSV coming up and were provided with the HRSA Naming Convention for documents.  Can you please provide some tips on how to implement this process correctly?

The HRSA Consolidated Document Naming Convention is a document which compliments the HRSA Site Visit Protocol and HRSA Program Compliance Manual.  The Naming Convention provides a checklist of all documents needed for the OSV.  These 3 documents are the primary sources used to assess compliance by HRSA.  Below are some ways you can make document collection easier:

  • Categorize by Chapter
    • The Naming Convention is laid out by Chapter.  A simple process to follow would be to categorize your documents by Chapter.  Use the Naming Convention as a checklist when doing this.  Once you have all documents needed for each chapter collected, name each document as listed in “green” in the Naming Convention.

  • Name Documents Appropriately
    • At times, the same document is required in various Chapters.  For example, the Needs Assessment document in Chapter 3, needs to be uploaded in Chapter 5: Clinical Staffing, Chapter 6: Accessible Locations and Hours of Operation, and so on.  Review the Naming Convention to determine which Chapters require the same document and name it per the Naming Convention.

  • Using the Site Visit Protocol
    • The HRSA Site Visit Protocol is the document used to assess compliance for health centers. This document is laid out by Chapter with various Elements for each section. Once you have collected the documents per the Naming Convention, cross reference with the Elements in each Chapter to be able to answer the questions that are asked. Remember to read the section, “Site Visit Team Methodology”.  This section describes the methods used to assess compliance with each element. 

  • Ask Questions if Unclear
    • Prior to the OSV, the health center will have a pre-OSV call with the HRSA review team and HRSA Federal Representative. Use this time to ask questions on the Naming Convention and any questions you have relating to the documents needed for each section.  Doing this will provide clarification on how to name your documents. Remember that documents must be uploaded to the Citrix Share File at least one week prior to the visit, so getting clarification as soon as possible will make it easier to prepare.

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