Health centers track a wide variety of fiscal metrics, such as budget to actual expenditures, days cash on hand, days in accounts receivable, and so on. HRSA also has three (3) required measures that health centers must track. These required measures are normally reported on during the Services Area Competition (SAC), completion of the Uniform Data Sets (UDS) submission or other reporting required by HRSA. The measures are as follows:
Two (2) of the three (3) measures (Grant and Total Cost per Patient) are reported publicly through UDS reporting. Health centers can find their specific metrics at: .
Please note that Federally Qualified Health Center Look-Alikes (FQHC LALs) only track total cost per total patient and medical cost per medical visit (B and C listed above). Specific UDS metrics for FQHC LALs can be found via this link:
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