We are thrilled to share some exciting news: Ntracts and Compliatric are joining forces!

Compliance Corner March 2022


HRSA Works to Expand Health Care Access and Resources in Underserved Populations

In February, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services devoted to improving health outcomes in underserved communities, promoting health equity, and supporting the health workforce, took the following actions:

HHS Announces Availability of $19.2 million to Expand Training of Primary Care Residents in Rural and Underserved Communities

HRSA announced the availability of $19.2 million in American Rescue Plan funding to support and expand community-based primary care residency programs. Awardees will use this funding to train residents to provide quality care to diverse populations and communities, particularly in underserved and rural areas.

HHS Provides $66.5 Million to Expand Community-Based Outreach Efforts to Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations

HRSA provided $66.5 million in American Rescue Plan funding to increase COVID-19 vaccine confidence and vaccinations. The funding was awarded to eight grantees to expand outreach efforts in 38 states and the District of Columbia. Recipients are continuing to make progress in building vaccine confidence in diverse communities across the country.

Read More!

Source:  HRSA.gov


HHS Announces Winners of National Challenge to Increase Pediatric Vaccinations and Well-Child Visits

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), announced 20 winners of the Promoting Pediatric Primary Prevention (P4) Challenge, a nationwide competition to increase pediatric vaccination rates and well-child visits.  

Final winners represent the diversity of the country and include mobile vaccination projects, Head Start partnerships, primary care texting strategies, and targeted support for children supported by resource families.  Challenge projects generated more than 52,000 pediatric well-child visits and nearly 23,000 immunizations.

See the list of winners HERE!

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