We are thrilled to share some exciting news: Ntracts and Compliatric are joining forces!

Column II and Column III Contract Template

Do you have a template for HRSA Column II and Column III contracts?

Compliatric works with a number of consultants who have developed tools for FQHCs, and we are happy to put you in contact with them.  Column II contracts are state specific, so the legal language requirements will differ depending upon the state in which you provide services.  The following is a list of what needs to be included in Column II MOUs and contracts:

Column II HRSA needs:

  • Does the contract describe how the service will be documented in the health center’s patient record
  • Does the contract describe how the health center will pay for the services
  • Does the contract describe credentialing and privileging assurances
  • Does the contract describe the sliding fee discount program language
  • Does the contract describe specific activities or services to be performed or goods to be provided
  • Does the contract describe the mechanism for the health center to monitor contractor performance evaluation
  • Does the contract contain provisions for data reporting expectations, and intervals for such reporting
  • Does the contract have provisions addressing record retention, and access, audit and property management

A good resource for Column III can be found HERE.

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