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Ask an Expert: What is the Citrix Share File?

What is the Citrix Share File?

The Citrix ShareFile System is the approved HRSA designated platform that Community Health Centers will use to upload documents for review during the Virtual Operational Site Visit (VOSV).  All documents will be uploaded to this platform.  As Community Health Centers get closer to their VOSV, the Project Director designated within the HRSA Electronic Handbook (EHB) will be sent an email invitation to register for the ShareFile Platform, along with instructions on how to upload documents.  It is important that Community Health Centers check the Point of Contact within the EHB to ensure that the appropriate person receives the email.  The ShareFile System is systematically set up by Chapters which mirror the Health Center Program Compliance Manual.  Documents will be uploaded as designated by the HRSA Document Checklist which can be found HERE.  

For more information on the Virtual Operational Site Visit and Program Requirements, please check with your HRSA Project Officer, or visit: https://bphc.hrsa.gov/programrequirements/compliancemanual/index.html.

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