Medicaid Unwinding

The most recent spending package passed by Congress calls for the end of continuous Medicaid coverage as of March 31, 2023…

Utilization of Special Populations Input

If a health center receives this special funding OR additional funding that supplements their regular CHC funding (Section 330 e), it is a requirement that there is representation on the Board of Directors of these specific special populations.

HRSA Requirements for Strategic Planning

In the past 2-3 years, priorities for health centers have shifted dramatically, which for many resulted in putting goals and objectives within their strategic plan on hold.

Tips for Integrating Behavioral Health with Primary Care

Although the integration of behavioral health and primary care has long been an initiative of many nationally recognized organizations, such as the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic forced many health centers to expedite implementation of the model. The goal of an integrated care model is to provide care that reflects a “whole person” approach.

Factors to Consider when Completing a Change in Scope

Before submitting a Change In Scope (“CIS”), health centers must understand adjusting their scope of services goes beyond just completing Forms 5A, B, and C. A Scope of Project defines a health center’s approved service sites, services, providers, service area and target population.

Pitfalls of Policy Management

Policies are the foundation of a health center’s operations and provide a framework to outline the organization’s position regarding a particular subject and/or issue…

Establishment of Fee Rates

Establishing fees for your health center is one of the most important financial tasks to be undertaken…