Compliance Corner January 2024
HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) are open to receive 2023 Uniform Data System (UDS) reports. All Health Center Program awardees and look-alikes are required to submit complete and accurate UDS reports by Thursday, February 15.
Visit the UDS Training and Technical Assistance (TA) website for the 2023 UDS Manual (PDF) and other resources to help you submit an accurate, timely, and complete UDS report.
You may also voluntarily submit de-identified patient-level data using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) R4 standards developed by Health Level Seven International (HL7). Detailed technical specifications for UDS patient-level submission (UDS+) are available in the UDS+ FHIR Implementation Guide on the HL7 website. Learn more by joining the UDS Test Cooperative via the BPHC Contact Form (Uniform Data System (UDS) > UDS Modernization > How to Join the UDS Test Cooperative).
Source: HRSA
The Proposed Changes to 2024 UDS Program Assistance Letter (PDF) details proposed updates for 2024 UDS reporting requirements. Health center staff responsible for preparing UDS data report submissions should review this document.
Source: HRSA
The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) has released their brand-new Sliding Fee Evaluation Tool. NACHC, in coordination with FORVIS and HRSA, developed this tool to streamline the process of evaluating and optimizing your health center’s sliding fee scale. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that can help enhance financial management and improve access to care in your community.
Source: NACHC
The Provider Relief Fund (PRF) Reporting Portal is now open and will remain so until 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, March 31. Providers who received one or more PRF (General or Targeted) and/or American Rescue Plan Rural payments exceeding $10,000, in the aggregate, from July 1 to December 31, 2022, must report on their use of funds during Reporting Period 6 to comply with PRF Reporting Requirements (PDF). See resources and more information on the PRF Reporting webpage.
Source: HRSA
These Communities of Practice (CoP) offer the chance to work intensely with experts and peers on specific issues. Visit the registration pages for details, including session dates and times.
Build resilience and strategies for enhancing employee recruitment, engagement, and retention in health center settings. Topics include low-cost and no-cost approaches to improve staff retention, boost morale, and reduce stress and burnout. Registration page.
Practice-focused sessions offer skills and techniques for health center settings. Topics include patient-centered care planning, enhanced cultural relevance in clinical practice, and motivational interviewing, brief consultation, and strategies for supporting behavioral activation. Registration page. *1.0 CE available for each session*
Source: HRSA
HRSA has set a deadline for health centers to enroll in our COVID-19 Therapeutics and Testing Supply Programs: Friday, January 26. After that date, health centers will no longer be able to enroll.
If your health center is interested in joining, submit your request by the deadline via the BPHC Contact Form (select the appropriate option under COVID-19). Even if you do not have an immediate need for these no-cost supplies, we encourage you to consider enrolling to ensure access in case of emergent COVID-19 needs.
Learn more about our Testing Supply Program or the Therapeutics Program.
Participating health centers can continue to order oral antivirals and/or testing supplies weekly at no cost via the Health Partner Order Portal (HPOP).
Source: HRSA
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) released a new Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to integrate behavioral health services into primary care settings using telehealth technology. HRSA will award approximately $8.75 million to up to 25 grantees over a period of five years.
Who is eligible?
Eligible applicants shall be domestic public or private, non-profit, or for-profit entities that demonstrate they will provide services through a telehealth network. This includes faith-based, tribal, and community-based organizations. Please view the funding opportunity on for complete eligibility information.
When are applications due?
The application is due March 22, 2024.
Where can I find out more?
Join the technical assistance webinar on January 17 at 3:30pm EST to learn about this funding opportunity.
Source: HRSA
Later this month, HRSA is hosting a three-day Grants 101 Workshop for individuals and organizations, such as health center leaders and staff, Community Health Workers, leaders and staff of public health departments, hospitals, faith and community-based organizations, community colleges, and universities, serving Spanish-speaking communities. Information will be presented in Spanish with live English translation, and will cover:
HRSA programs and funding opportunities
Federal grants application process
Tips for writing a strong application and applying for funding
Technical Assistance resources
Join HRSA from noon – 4:30 p.m. ET:
Tuesday, January 16
Wednesday, January 17
Thursday, January 18
Source: HRSA
Since the beginning of HRSA’s audit program in 2012, HRSA has communicated its approach for implementing this audit authority to stakeholders through program policies, guidance documents, and regulations. More than 25 years ago, HRSA published Patient Definition Guidelines, which contain HRSA’s interpretation of several key statutory requirements and which continue to guide HRSA’s audit activities. To further assist covered entities with 340B Program compliance activities, HRSA has compiled existing resources on how it conducts audits and determines non-compliance to ensure compliance with the 340B statutory prohibition against diversion.
To review the website, please visit: If you have further questions about compliance in the 340B Program, please contact the 340B Prime Vendor Program at 1-888-340-2787, or by sending an e-mail to
Source: HRSA
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