Compliance Corner December 2024

Integrated Behavioral Health in Pediatrics – New Partnership

November 14, 2024: The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) announced a new partnership with Mental Health America (MHA) to promote integrated behavioral healthcare (IBH) for children and adolescents receiving care at community health centers (CHCs).

As the largest primary care network in the United States, CHCs are uniquely positioned to combat barriers and expand access for individuals who may otherwise go without healthcare. The new partnership between the NACHC and MHA will help ensure that children and adolescents receiving care at these facilities can access behavioral health services.

The collaborative efforts between the NACHC and MHA will include:

  • Offering information on screening resources
  • Highlighting areas where access to integrated care can be further expanded
  • Advocating for regulatory actions that encourage integrated care
  • Developing the workforce to meet care demands
  • Creating an advisory group comprised of relevant stakeholders
  • Developing digital assets
  • Providing tools and technical assistance
  • Creating prevention content on relevant topics (e.g., sleep and social media)
  • Mobilizing advocates within communities to help redefine primary care for young people
  • Piloting integrated behavioral healthcare for youth within clinical settings
  • Conducting research to measure key outcomes
  • Advocating for systemic policy changes to support sustainable financing for integrated behavioral health at the local, state, and federal levels

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


National Rural Health Day

November 21, 2024:  The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), marked National Rural Health Day by celebrating health care leaders who are improving maternal care in rural communities. National Rural Health Day is an opportunity to recognize the dedication of rural health providers, community organizations, and state offices of rural health in meeting the unique health care needs of rural America.

HRSA highlighted this year’s focus on maternal health by holding HRSA’s latest Enhancing Maternal Health Initiative, which convened on November 21st in Centreville, Alabama. This convening brought together women and families from rural communities who are served by HRSA programs, grant recipients, state and local health officials, community organizations, and health care providers from across the state to continue to work together to address maternal mortality and provide critical supports to help ensure the health and well-being of families in Alabama. The event was part of HRSA’s Enhancing Maternal Health Initiative, which focuses on building and strengthening partnerships to maximize the impact of HRSA grants and expand access to maternal care across the country.

Key actions HRSA has taken this year to improve maternal health in rural communities include:

  • Growing the maternal care workforce
  • Improving access to care
  • Strengthening rural maternal health care networks
  • Investing in the Delta region
  • Launching the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
  • Expanding evidence-based Home Visiting services
  • Expanding Health Start services

To learn more about HRSA’s rural health services, visit National Rural Health Day events.

Source: HRSA


CMS Releases Fiscal Year 2024 Improper Payment Data for All Programs

November 15:  In keeping with its commitment to responsible stewardship of public funds and to promote the sustainability of its programs, CMS released the Fiscal Year 2024 Improper Payment Data for Medicare (Fee for Service, Part C and Part D), Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the Advance Payment of Premium Tax Credits for the Federally Facilitated Health Insurance Exchange. While the reporting of improper payments is designed to protect the integrity of CMS programs, not all improper payments are the result of fraud or abuse — they can be overpayments, underpayments or payments where insufficient information was provided to determine whether a payment was proper. Information can be found in this fact sheet and in the 2024 HHS Agency Financial Report.

Source: CMS


Health Center Preparedness and Response Forum: Patients with Access and Functional Needs

National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAPs) are presenting a four-part webinar series for staff at health centers that serve special populations, such as agricultural workers, individuals experiencing homelessness, public housing residents, and other underserved groups.

The second webinar in this series will focus on patients who might need extra support to access essential services in a crisis.  This webinar will be held on Wednesday, December 18th at 2 pm – 3 pm Eastern Time.  Click HERE for the registration page.

You can watch a recording of the first session (with a topic of Emerging Issues) on YouTube. Future sessions will focus on promising practices and strategies for addressing challenges related to emergency planning and recovery. Visit the registration page for session dates, times, and topics.

Source: HRSA


COVID-19 Vaccine Access for Health Centers Nationwide

NACHC is collaborating with their longstanding partner, Direct Relief, to facilitate the availability of adult COVID-19 vaccines to health centers and health center look-alikes.

These vaccines are available at no cost from their manufacturers, so health centers can order them for free and all shipping expenses will be covered by FedEx. To order vaccines, health centers must work directly with Direct Relief by enrolling as a health care partner. This initiative aims to support those patients who are uninsured, ensuring that everyone has access to vital immunizations as we approach the colder months.

Ensuring equitable access to vaccines is a priority since the Bridge Program ended last August. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also distributed $62 million in funding to public health jurisdictions to help purchase and distribute COVID-19 vaccines for uninsured and underinsured adults. NACHC has created a vaccine resource page that provides detailed information about all vaccine resources and funding.

Source: NACHC

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