Ask an Expert: Resources for Board Training

We have new board members, and we were wondering where we can get board training from?

Getting new board members can be a challenge so congratulations on new board members!  A lot of health centers will provide an orientation to new members or assign a more seasoned board member as a mentor.  There are various avenues for board member training.  First, you may want to try your local Primary Care Association (PCA).  They may have a formal board member orientation or have worked with vetted seasoned consultants that can provide more individualized training.  Second, the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) have a board member boot camp and other board member training videos that may be helpful.  While everything is socially distanced at the moment, virtual education is a great option!  To find out more, click HERE.  Finally, talk with colleagues who work in other community health centers as they may have additional resources.  Remember, Board Authority and Board Composition is a requirement to be a FQHC or FQHC LAL; so, working and asking questions to your colleagues is a great way to network!  There are no right or wrong ways to provide board training, it’s what works best for your organization.  Asking colleagues about resources and consultants they have worked with or heard of may be a great option.

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