American Rescue Plan Funding Uses

We’ve all heard about the $6.1 billion investment into health centers as part of the American Rescue Plan Act Funding (H8F). The funds made available through this opportunity are required to be used for 

specific purposes under five categories. HRSA has conducted a webinar to review the parameters of the opportunity along with a Q&A of allowable expenditures, but what is allowable seems fairly broad and flexible.  Our friends at FQHC Connect recently hosted a special Info Session Webinar:  Smart Strategies for Allocating Your American Rescue Plan Funding, and if you didn’t attend, we invite you to view it HERE.

During the session, hosts Steve Weinman and Lesa Peterson of FQHC Associates (FQHC Connect founder and sponsor) begin with a quick review of the technical requirements of the funding opportunity, then cover allowable expenditures and strategies for using this funding to derive the maximum benefit to your health center now and in the future.

Health centers have until 5/31/21 to submit their project plan and budget.

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